20230305 Defining Moments: When You're Going the Wrong Way

March 5, 2023 Pastor: Dave Poolman Series: Defining Moments

Scripture: Luke 9:57– :62

In addition to the New International Version of the Bible (2011, Biblica), the following resources were used to help write this sermon: Fred B. Craddock, Luke in the Interpretation Commentary, pp. 143-44;  William Hendriksen, The Gospel of Luke in the New Testament Commentary, pp. 559-63; R. Kent Hughes, Luke, Volume One in the Preaching the Word Commentary, pp. 371-74; Bruce Larson, Luke in The Communicator’s Commentary, pp. 177-78; Thomas K. Tewell, The Things We Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said (II): When You’re Going the Wrong Direction, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, NY, 2-29-04.