Sunday School and worship service are cancelled tomorrow, February 16.  We hope that we will be able to gather again next Sunday.

The GriefShare Support Group, scheduled for 4:00 pm, is also cancelled.

The Congregational Life Ministry Team's primary purpose is to plan, support, and maintain the close fellowship and social contacts within the congregation. This team  oversees the Sunday coffee hour and provides receptions for baptisms, professions of faith, and funerals. The team plans special social events like the Yankee Swap at Christmas, Lenten Soup Luncheons, Easter Brunch, and the Annual Summer Picnic. Other ministries which this team overseas include the ministry to seniors, and the prayer chain and prayer shawl ministry. The team has sponsored many fun events in past years such as trips to the Yard Goats, movie nights, trips to the Goodspeed Opera House and our famous Chili Cook-off. 
Everyone had a wonderful time at this year's Yankee Swap in January 2023.  Here is a video of a portion of that event:

Words Have Power

Team Leader: Mike Ohliger 
  • Coffee Hour - Toby Lewis
  • Family Life - Sandy James and Teresa VandrLeest
  • Assimilation Coordinator - Barbara Van Deusen
  • Seniors - Cal Hulstein
  • Prayer Shawl - Ariana Lewis
  • Safe Church - Eric Rentz
  • Kitchen Supplies - Deb Poolman
  • Receptions - Deb Poolman
  • Funeral Receptions - Monique Paquet
  • Prayer Chain - Kathryn Mund