20230122 Ancient Prayers for Modern Times: Abraham

January 22, 2023 Pastor: Dave Poolman Series: Ancient Prayers for Modern Times

Scripture: Genesis 18:16– :33

In addition to the New International Version of the Bible (2011, Biblica), the following resources were used to help write this sermon: James Montgomery Boice, Genesis: An Expositional Commentary, Volume 2, pp. 611-17; Stuart Briscoe, Genesis in The Communicator’s Commentary, pp. 165-66; Walter Brueggeman, Genesis in the Interpretation Commentary, pp. 167-75; R. Kent Hughes, Genesis in the Preaching the Word Commentary, pp. 261-67; Josh Reitano, Rise Up: Learning Prayer from Old Testament Saints, Abraham: Praying for the City, Genesis 18:16-33, New City Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH, 1-7-18.