20210725 Surprise

July 25, 2021 Pastor: Dave Poolman Series: Follow the Leader

Scripture: John 4:4–9, John 4:25–30

In addition to the New International Version (Biblica, 2011) of the Bible, the following resources were used to help write this sermon: C.K. Barrett, The Gospel According to St. John, pp. 230-33, 239-40;  James Montgomery Boice, The Gospel of John, Volume 1, pp. 276-81, 300-17; Bryan Eckelmann, Peekaboo, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, CA, 7-1-18 (https://youtu.be/49LZJG5_Lkw); William Hendriksen, The Gospel of John in the New Testament Commentary, pp. 155-61, 168-72.

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